Women’s circles

Be heard and nourish your energy

Women's circles held in person in London

A gathering of women…

Women have been gathering since eons….. Sharing their emotions, pains, doubts and achievements…. Now more than ever I feel the need to gather women and hold space for women to safely be themselves and share what they are going through. These circles are not therapeutic circles but rather a space where you can be yourself, share about your emotions, replenish your energy and connect with other women.

Every one of us is deep deep inside both unique and the same – a human being with a beating heart.

What’s happening during a women’s circle?

The circles are designed to be simple and open to all. There are only invitations (to speak, to move, to meditate and to relax mainly!) and at any point you can just be and observe.

They usually start with some gentle movement to fully land into our bodies. Then I will lead a meditation, which you can follow or just listen to.

The core of the circle is then the sharing time: each women speaks – sometime there is a theme, sometimes not, but in any case you are free to speal about what’s present for you in the moment. We listen to each other with love and respect, there is no answer given, nor advice, nor judgement! Being listened to and heard is a rarity in our lives and just this can be really liberating, bringing even more clarity or another perspective.

The circle ends with a shamanic journey – you lie down on your yoga mat and relax as I drum. Then again, there is nothing to do or achieve, just relaxing and enjoying!

Every month in West London

When? The circles are running one Sunday a month at the School of Meditation near Holland Park in London. Usually between 6pm and 8pm.

After the circle we gather informally to share a hot drink and nibbles that everyone contributes to bring, celebrating community!

Where? The School of Meditation, 158, Holland Park Avenue, London W11 4UH

Nearest tube stations: Holland Park, Shepherds Bush and Latimer Road

How much? From £10 to £25 depending on what you can realistically afford. Please be mindful in choosing how much you want to contribute to the Circle.